


go doc

type PostConnAcceptPlugin

type PostConnAcceptPlugin interface {
    HandleConnAccept(net.Conn) (net.Conn, bool)

PostConnAcceptPlugin represents connection accept plugin. if returns false, it means subsequent IPostConnAcceptPlugins should not contiune to handle this conn and this conn has been closed.

type PostReadRequestPlugin

type PostReadRequestPlugin interface {
    PostReadRequest(ctx context.Context, r *protocol.Message, e error) error

PostReadRequestPlugin represents .

type PostWriteResponsePlugin

type PostWriteResponsePlugin interface {
    PostWriteResponse(context.Context, *protocol.Message, *protocol.Message, error) error

PostWriteResponsePlugin represents .

type PreReadRequestPlugin

type PreReadRequestPlugin interface {
    PreReadRequest(ctx context.Context) error

PreReadRequestPlugin represents .

type PreWriteResponsePlugin

type PreWriteResponsePlugin interface {
    PreWriteResponse(context.Context, *protocol.Message) error

PreWriteResponsePlugin represents .


go doc

type PluginContainer

type PluginContainer interface {
    Add(plugin Plugin)
    Remove(plugin Plugin)
    All() []Plugin

    DoPreCall(ctx context.Context, servicePath, serviceMethod string, args interface{}) error
    DoPostCall(ctx context.Context, servicePath, serviceMethod string, args interface{}, reply interface{}, err error) error

PluginContainer represents a plugin container that defines all methods to manage plugins. And it also defines all extension points.

type PostCallPlugin

type PostCallPlugin interface {
    DoPostCall(ctx context.Context, servicePath, serviceMethod string, args interface{}, reply interface{}, err error) error

PostCallPlugin is invoked after the client calls a server.

type PreCallPlugin

type PreCallPlugin interface {
    DoPreCall(ctx context.Context, servicePath, serviceMethod string, args interface{}) error

PreCallPlugin is invoked before the client calls a server.

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